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Examination of artworks

The Procedure:

Museum scholars provide oral and written examination of works of classical European, traditional Asian art and art of the Ancient World. The examination is carried out at the museum premises with the prior agreement of the expert and the customer.

Please note that the original work must be submitted for examination. Electronic or printed reproduction is not sufficient. The work should be accessible for examination from all sides without framing and mounting elements.

The expert opinion shall be communicated to the customer of the Oral Examination service immediately or within 1 hour after the review of the work. Expert opinion for the service Written Examination is provided to the customer in the form of a laminated document of the established format (with a photograph of an artwork, the signature of the expert and the seal of the museum) within 1 month from the date of the artwork inspection .

The museum examination service does not provide for determining the monetary value of a work.

Payment for the service is made in advance.

Cost of services:

Oral examination: 400 UAH

Written examination: 2500 UAH


Olena Zhyvkova

Deputy Director on Research. Expert on European painting of 15-19 centuries

Olena Kramareva

Chief Keeper of the Collection. Expert on European faience and glass of 16th - 19th century

Marta Logvyn

Chief Research Fellow. Expert on Chinese painting

Anastasia Matselo

Head of the Department. Expert on European sculpture of 13th - 19th century

Hanna Rudyk

Deputy Director on Education and Communication. Expert on Islamic art. +38 044 235 52 69

Yulia Fil

Senior Research Fellow. Expert on Indian art

Olena Shostak

Head of the Department. Expert on European prints of 16th - 19th century

Valeria Yunda

Senior Research Fellow. Expert on Chinese decorative art