Scientific library and archive

Research Library
The basis of the Khanenko Museum's Research Library was laid by Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko in the 1870s. During more than 40 years of life together, the Khanenkos made up a book collection of about 10 000 volumes. The part on art history alone annumerated about 3 000 items. This is one of the few private book collections of the late 19th - early 20th centuries that has largely retained its integrity up to the present time.
For more than 100 years of the museum's history as a state-run institution, the Research Library has been constantly replenished both through the targeted purchase of specialized literature and due to the generosity of donors: Vasyl Shchavinsky, Mykola Lobanov-Rostotsky, the Getty Foundation, Prof. Renata Holod and others. Currently, the museum's Research Library holdings are over 20,000 units. The main thematic profile of the collection is the history of world arts (the art of Europe, Byzantine, Asia and the Ancient World in the first place). Museology is another important thematic section.
The library invites scholars and students from different research institutions and universities to use its resources. Please get a prior approval of the museum’s authority (an official letter with information on the research project is required). For details please call: +380 (44) 234 53 34. Head of the Research Library: Tallina Mykhailova.
Research Archive
The Khanenko Museum has its own Research Archive, which stores documents on the history of the museum. The archive consists of four Inventories and contains more than 20 000 documents, the chronological boundaries of which cover the period from 1916 to the present. The archive of the Khanenko family disappeared in May 1922 and its fate still remains unknown.
The Research Archive of the museum contains:
management documentation;
documents on museum activity;
materials on the research work of museum scholars;
engineering and construction documentation on the restoration of the museum buildings;
photo documents (photo positives and photo negatives on glass) on the museum history.

The Khanenko Museum invites scholars from different research institutions and universities to use its Research Archive resources by a prior approval of the museum’s authority (an official letter with information on the research project is required). For details please call: +380 (44) 234 59 57. Research archive manager: Maria Kulinich.